I joined my dad’s practice and started with him consulting with Sterling in 2008. And then I purchased the practice in April of 2010.
And so we got in with Sterling in Glendale, CA and started finding the right personnel to replace those positions and get things turned around.
We’re seeing the numbers now starting to climb and have even surpassed the numbers before we started.
With Sterling, it’s helped us to create an exciting environment to work in with bonuses that keep the staff motivated and happy to produce and work.
Something that’s really helped has been the accountability of having a consultant working with you on a regular basis, to kind of just have somebody you report to, and hold you accountable for what you’re doing. It’s really easy to get settled in to the comfort zone of where you’re at, and let things just roll. But with having a consultant that’s checking in on you, keeps the goals in mind, and it keeps the goal of increasing and growing to happen.
Hiring techniques has been helpful to get feedback on prospective employees abilities. That’s been helpful, and having the stats to see what’s been going on, what’s taking place—comparing those stats to events and things that you’ve done to make those happen, and then getting the ideas of what you can do in the future to keep the stats going up.
Definitely I feel like my own ability to be an executive and a leader for the team has improved. Before, I kind of let the business run me a little bit. Now I’ve been able to take control of things and take more of that responsibility of seeing that things are happening, instead of “going with the flow.”
I feel like it’s been a big help for our practice and has impacted the way we work, and definitely have seen an improvement in our numbers as a result.
Yes, I would recommend Sterling in Glendale for any business that’s looking to expand and grow. I’m Dr. Richard Atwood, dentist from Spanish Fork, Utah.